NGC 7789 (White Rose Cluster)

NGC 7789 (Caroline’s or White Rose Cluster)
NGC 7789 (Caroline’s or White Rose Cluster)

An open star cluster in constellation Cassiopeia about 7600 light years away.

It is one of the oldest open star clusters known, about 1.7 billion years old. It’s probably its high total mass of about 6600 times the mass of the sun which held this cluster together for such a long period. Any gas clouds certainly present at the time of formation of the cluster are blown away a long time ago.

Caroline, who gave her name to this cluster, was the sister of William Herschel, who discovered this cluster in 1783 and catalogued it later in 1786 as H VI.30.

Celestron RASA 11 v2
Celestron CGX-L mount
RisingCam ATR3CMOS26000KPA
UV-IR-Cut filter
Bortle 4-5
No moon
150x10sec (25m)


NGC 7789 (Caroline’s or White Rose Cluster)
NGC 7789 (Caroline’s or White Rose Cluster)