Gallery May 15, 2021 Categories Select Category Deep Sky Objects (72) Galaxies (14) Nebulae (53) Dark Nebulae (22) Emission Nebulae (46) Planetary Nebulae (6) Reflection Nebulae (14) Supernova Remnants (3) Star Clusters (14) Globular Clusters (6) Open Clusters (8) Solar System (2) Moon (2) Wide Field (18) Milky Way (14) Other (4) Sh2-112 Sh2-86, NGC 6823, NGC 6820 VdB 131/132, NGC 6914 Sh2-119 (Clamshell Nebula) Sh2-104 WR 134 PK 47 +42.1 M42 NGC 2170 LBN 437, LBN 430, LBN 429 Sh2-140 Sh2-135 Sh2-150, Sh2-145, vdB154 LBN 346 Sh2-119 (Clamshell Nebula) Sh2-114, The Flying Dragon Nebula LBN 321 M 51 Sh2-101 (Tulip Nebula) Sh2-91 Sh2-90 Sh2-101 M16 (Eagle Nebula, Pillars of Creation) M16 (Eagle Nebula, Pillars of Creation) Sh2-54 M 10 M 17 (Omega Nebula) Rho Ophiuchi, IC 4603, IC 4604 M 20 (Trifid Nebula) M12 M14 Leo Triplet Moon SN2022hrs vdB 152 M 45 Soul Nebula, IC 1871, IC 1848, Westerhout 5 Perseus & California Nebula h & chi Persei M42 Lion Nebula Flying Bat and Squid Nebula LDN 1295 IC63 M33 Horsehead Pacman Cave Heart & Soul Dark Shark Cassiopeia NGC 7822 Cocoon Cepheus & Cassiopeia IC 5070 (Pelican Nebula) IC 5070 (Pelican Nebula) IC 5070 (Pelican Nebula) IC 5070 (Pelican Nebula) IC 5070 (Pelican Nebula) IC 5070 (Pelican Nebula) Milky Way from Düsseldorf (Cygnus) Milky Way from Düsseldorf (Cygnus) M31 LBN 576 LBN 576 Cygnus Loop, Veil Nebula Eastern Veil Nebula Central Veil Nebula Western Veil Nebula Milky Way @Rickenbach Lobster Claw Nebula, Bubble Nebula, Northern Lagoon Nebula Bubble Nebula Northern Lagoon Nebula Cepheus & Cassiopeia Iris Nebula & Ghost Nebula Cepheus Milky Way NGC 6820, NGC 6823, Sh 2-86 Cygnus SE of Sadr NE of Sadr (Cygnus) NW of Sadr (Cygnus) SW of Sadr (Cygnus) PN G75.5+1.7 NGC 6888 NGC 7380 IC 1396 IC 1396 IC 1396 NGC 7000 NGC 4565 (Needle Galaxy) LBN 183 Dark Horse Milky Way Center M 94 Sadr (Gamma Cygni) LDN 134, LDN 1778 M81, M82 Veil Nebula Ursa Major M97, M 108 LDN183 (missed) M 106 Makarian’s Chain M 13 Hercules with M13 Cygnus around Sadr Rho Ophiuchi M 101 M 42 Leo Triplet IC 405 M 51 Moon SH 2-274 M 3 NGC 2246 NGC 2174 Barnard 33 (Horsehead Nebula) IC 1871 (Soul Nebula) IC 1805 (Heart Nebula) M31 (Andromeda Galaxy) NGC 7000 (North America Nebula)