Emission Nebulae

NGC 6888

NGC 6888
NGC 6888

A gas nebula powered by a Wolf-Rayet star in the center. The star has ejected several times the mass of the sun into the surrounding gas remaining from the formation of the star only several million years ago. The star is more than 20 times as massive as the sun and has almost burned its fuel. In about a million years from now it will go supernova providing a spectacular firework.

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Planetary Nebulae

SH 2-274 (Medusa Nebula)

SH 2-274
SH 2-274

A Planetary Nebula in constellation Gemini about 1500 light years from earth. At first it was thought to be a Supernova remnant, but more recent measurements of the expansion velocity suggest it to be more likely a Planetary Nebula. These are the outer shells of a sun-like star which have been expelled at the end of the active live of the star.

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