M 13

M 13
M 13

M 13 in Hercules. One of the brightest Globular Clusters in the Northern Hemisphere. It is about 22000 light years from earth and contains several hundred thousand stars. Globular clusters are remnants from times where galaxies formed. Since there is not much gas left in these clusters, most stars are pretty old and young stars are rare.

Acquisition Details

Scope: Borg 90FL/500 with 1.08x Flattener
Filter: None
Camera: ZWO ASI 2600MC Pro
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro
Guiding Scope: MiniBorg 50
Guiding Camera: ZWO ASI 290MM
Guiding Software: PHD2
Acquisition Software: APT
Light Frames: 30x180sec
Flats, Dark Flats, Bias, Darks
Camera settings: Gain 100, Offset 20
No moon
Bortle 4-5
Acquisition Date: April 4, 2021


Stacking Software: DSS
Imaging: PixInsight